Bake All Selected Soft Body objects 2.5

This has been an ongoing issue for me, but is there any way to soft body bake multiple objects in 2.5. It seems that I have to select each one individually and bake separately.
I have 100+ objects and it is rather slow to select each one in the outline.

The old suggestion of CTRL+B in 2.4 does not bake selected.

What does “Bake All Dynamics” do anyway? It doesn’t seem to have any effect on my objects.


Hmm, this is driving me nuts. I am on object 25 in my scene of 125 different soft-body affected armatures.

Can anyone point me to where I can see the internals of the bake process so I can figure out why we can’t bake more than one object at a time? The 7 minute wait in between bakes is killing me.

Things have changed in 2.5xx a lot and IMHO for better.
All simulation systems use the ‘Point Cache’
Which is either using RAM or disk to store the results of the simulation … for faster play back.
In my 2.56 there is the option to freeze the current cache as baked. -> Current cache to bake
Further more, it looks like a python exposed function (…object.point_cache.bake_from_cache()) I 'd suggest to
1 run the entire animation with proper point cache settings once
2 freeze / bake the point cache manually for each SB object
or 3 use a Python script to iterate all the objects to freeze / bake

Python Reference
and as things are very shaky there, I do not dive in any deeper …
May be I will do when 2.5xx has reached some kind of ‘maturity’…