I am currently “following” a timelapse video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaBWp3CyAlE
I have a problem when it comes to baking in ambient occlusion, i have searched and found this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-0oMaSNi0Q but still i have the same problem !
Some parts of my objects are grey (baked) others are black. What can i do ?
Here’s a screenshot of my objects :
Have you overlapping UVs
Are you mapping the texture to your UVs
What are the AO settings
All these things your screenshot does not tell us !
Upload your blend file to http://www.pasteall.org/blend/ and tell us the download link
That should help, it’s my object after joinning all parts. Thanks for the help.
I’ve tried to do this with a simple cube and the baking in ambient occlusion works fine.
Looks like the problem is my object.
“Are you mapping the texture to your UVs” → I have joined all the parts of my object and clicked “U” Then got my uv unwrap project. I then click on “Bake”.
Baking assumes having some kind of UV map - object needs to be unwrapped first. There is nothing present in file suggesting it’s been done.
If you want just a render done in Cycles you still can use Dirty Vertex paint which is similar to AO, uses some kind of internally assigned UV coordinates and can be used in node tree inserting Attribute node with vertex color layer name in it (Col by default).
Btw probably after joining there are problems with somewhere inverted normals on the object - Ctrl-N in edit mode should take care of that.
I could send you the file of my gun without the objects joined. So you can take a look at the inverted normals.
Will try to do Ctrl-N
No need for that - Ctrl-N wont help here. You need to manually select some of the parts and flip normals, no big deal.
Here’s quick example cycles material which uses Vertex Paint Dirt. No World texture - place any HDR image in Environment texture node.
Shiny things need something to reflect.
which should give something like this
What’s the difference between Ctrl-N and “manually return normals”? it’s the same right?
I have looked at this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuyxrUW3YiU it explains what are inverted normals.
I am sure all the black areas are normals upside down (inverted).
I am going to try the following : select every objects of my gun, Ctrl-N (one by one).
Then U→smart UV unwrap. Render<bake<Ambient Occlusion. Hopefully this should work. I will tell you after i try.
I figured that out :
Recalculate Normals>Smart UV unwrap>Save new image>Bake>Ambient Occlusion
Take a look if you wish http://www.pasteall.org/blend/26731 thre is still some problems with my model.
Big thanks to all the people who have helped me, this community is awesome !
EDIT : when i save my file and re-open it, i get a black object ! Do i need to redo the baking ?
After you’ve done baking you need to save baked image - you’ll see result in UV editor window and there will be asterisk near “Image” on menu line.
Next is to set this image as a texture for the material; do not forget check mapping using UVs.
Guess some type of clay render. There are options and addons.
Then there is GLSL textured screenshot and Draw Edges.
All right thanks, i’ll try it on my model !