Bake different Materials on faces to one texture/material

Hi, i got some trees exported from plant factory. Problem is they are too bright compared to other assets. They got several leave textures/materials assigned to faceselections. Is there a way to bake all of that into one material assigned to the object as a whole/no face selections/slots. That way i could just color correct the base texture, done.

bake will work,
Ä°f there is seperate objects;
duplicate all objects, join them together, uvunwap, then bake with setting “selected to active”
you can find tutorials at youtube
This may help

i am not sure, but thats not what u need. it is one mesh with different shaders on faces assigned via slots. Bark = shader, Leaves having 6 different shader, i dont know why ? some is just a few faces of leaves, then one has almost all leaves.

What you have is the same thing as in the video or as @Umut_Islam_Falah described…it just starts after the video and Umut’s description Joins the Meshes together!

It will be 1 mesh with various materials assigned to different areas of the mesh and added together in the material slots… Start from that point in the video…

Sorry i really don’t get it. The video is about baking one texture to a different uv map. I want to bake several shader into one shader.
I attached the blend file (1.6 MB)

I saw your blend file, if ım not wrong you want to have only 1 shader slot, it means 1 color texture.

For this you will need to adjust uv’s. Pack their islands for 1 texture.
Ä°f you dont they will use same texture. eg; bright leaf will be on bark too.

Then you will need a new shader slot with new texture.
When you bake it it will copy colors to new texture aranged with new uv
i will show you an example.

cube has 2 materials, each material has their different texture.
As you can see red face uv is similar to blue faces uv. They are overlapping.
But it is no problem because they has different material and textures.
When they suppose to have same material and same texture, their uv’s should not be overlapped. İf not they will be same color. Blue or red.
You need to fix their uv’s. But in duplicated mesh for not loosing original textures and uvs.

Left big square is red face’s uv, and the right square is blue face’s uv, rest is for other faces. We will delet all materials and create a new material-texture.

1 shader/material and 1 texture with editted not overlapping uvs.
then we will reset it’s transform for bake. Then bake with selected to active option. You may want to increase “Extrusion” setting like 0.1 for better result.
Without it textures may be deformed, some dots or straches may appear.

First select source, then select target. Select texture slot, Select bake type. For color diffuse without direct and indirect. Then bake

Blender will copy textures from source to target’s new texture with new uv.

As you can see; we got all colors in 1 shader/material and 1 texture.
Ä°f we did not edit uvs, it will overlap and will be like this.

There is no red!!
Because blender baked red material first, then baked the second material (blue). They were listed like that
Red’s uv’s position at texture painted to red, but then blue’s uv overlapped it and painted uv’s position at texture to blue.

You can select all uvs for same material with “Select” option in material editor while no face were selected, it will select all the faces assinned with same material, then transform it.

You can use same technique at video ı mentioned before

, just make new uv slot and edit uvs.

I hope my little tutorial will help

(EDÄ°T: I forget to say that you will need to bake every texture slot seperately with bake type, eg; diffuse, normal, roughness etc.)

i think you can bake to a single texture with plantfactory , not sure …

thanks so much for the elaborate answer. Now i get it :upside_down_face:
I tried, ok it works, but is very tedious and i would have to do it for 4 textures each tree. I think i just use cryptomatte to adjust the color and brightness in comp. Works fine. I just wanted to know if there is an easy way.
I tried some settings, but the export takes ages/runs out of memory. I think its not worth it. They look really great as is and i can adjust anything in comp

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