Does it work to bake light to a mesh. Just as bake normals but it bakes the light. will help the framerate in my game work much better
Edit: I need it to work for Blender 2.53
Does it work to bake light to a mesh. Just as bake normals but it bakes the light. will help the framerate in my game work much better
Edit: I need it to work for Blender 2.53
but thoes functions that this tutorial are using dosent excist in Blender 2.53, Like radiosity and that stuff
When you bake just pick Full Render, instead of Normals, that will bake everything. Look at this tutorial.
As for radiosity it is becoming an old technology; RIP. New versions of Blender no longer have radiosity. AO has replaced it. AO is faster but it really don’t have the look of radiosity you know. If you really want to do radiosity you need to look into UV mapping and texturing, and vertex painting. There are script out there to transfer radiosity map to UV map texture to make life easier, but I can’t find it.
i think radiostiy has been replaced with indirectl ligthig in 2.5 !
i did some test and it works fine in approxmate mode only for now !
Okey thx but one thing. the picture when i bake. how should i make the options in the texture panel for that material to show?
I assume you are talking about radiosity render right? Radiosity comes out just like baking AO; it is black and white. You need to combine that UV image with texture map. Here I made this room. Made UV map for all of the objects, and each UV map had image associated with it. When you run radiosity, shadows get baked on to UV images. Save all the images and combine it with your textured in image editor. And reload it to see the result.
Can you explain that better cus i need to now how too!