Bake textures without light information?

I need to bake textures without light and shadow information, just the exact color, etc. from the original textures. I’m currently using the bake tool, which is really cool and makes baking so much easier. So if there is a solution using it would be great. I want to bring the textures into another renderer and not a game engine, so having light information makes the textures look strange.

I assume you are using the cycles render ? You failed to mention this vitally important piece of info.

If you are using Cycles then bake the Diffuse Color

Yes thanks, Cycles, but using diffuse includes light shading information in the texture. I have set up three passes, diffuse, glossy, and normal. Looking at it some more, some of what I’m seeing is probably from the original texture images. The diffuse and glossy come out really dark from the bake and I have to up the brightness and contrast in Gimp to have them look good. I was thinking (maybe incorrectly) that this was because the bake was using environment lighting?

I found a RGB_curve node in the textures that was darkening it. Looks much better once I adjusted it, thanks. :slight_smile: