baking action into script

what exactly do i gain or i gain anything when i bake my actions? that little bake button in action screen is haunting me… thanks in advance!

If you use a contrainted armature to make an animation - then the quality of the animation becomes dependant on the settings of those contraints

However, if you BAKE your actions, then the actions no longer depend on the settings of the contraints and so you will be free to edit or remove them as you please. I think it also frees up processor power as well.

thanks magic… forgive me if i can’t get it the first time… i pose my characters via Auto IK… insert key frames in the action screen… then name them… when should baking come in? please bear with me… thanks!

you don’t have to bake unless you want to.

If you are using Auto-IK then you really don’t need to

If you use IK solvers or Limit Location/Rotation/Scale Contraints, then you will want to bake your actions in order to make them contraint independent and also in order to save processor time because contraints cause armatures to act in a more intelligent manner which requires time to process.

so after posing them in with auto IK enabled, i will choose the saved action, press BAKE, then use the baked action instead of using the one posed using IK? i’m hoping that what i’ve said is correct… thank you so much magic!

yup, but that baking feature doesn’t work, you’ll have to get the script

thanks magic, and sorry for bothering you!

np that’s what the forum is all about!