Baking ambient occlusion problem

hi all, i ve a problem with baking AO that when i baked the low poly mesh from high pl mesh, the result just appear black and white corlor , can anyone help me solve this,
thank you!

here is the result after baked ao( just black and white)

and here is my file
test.blend (3.3 MB)

Hi, I am not sure, but when you bake AO, do you need to do that from high to low poly?
I thought that is only for normals (high to low). I didn’t open the blend file, but what I think what happend is that parts that stick out the other mesh, are white, and everything what is inside, is black.

oh, i don’t know, because when i saw on youtube they all choose 2 mesh when baking AO (but i don’t know that is low poly or not) like this video:, So if i wrong, can you explain the process for me? many thank!

it looks to me like another object, that is hidden, also affects the bake. Ensure that only the objects that should affect the final texture are enabled for rendering.
To see which objects are enabled for rendering check the camera symbol in the outliner for the specific objects.

ok thank i 'll try it :slight_smile:

Looks like there s not enough light in the scene.

I just had this issue. It is because multiple objects are all in the same position. Even if hidden, they need to have rendering turned off. That’s the camera icon in the Outliner - view layer area /panel.