that better be the development 2.9.4 version
gimp2.8 dose not handle 32bit float images
and the exr output from baking can be any value from say -20 to +20 or more
and gimp2.9 reads only 0 to 1 , 32 bit values .
your image in the zip is a 8 bit per channel rgb png
it also ONLY has 89 unique tones of gray
( 89 steps covering the 255 possible in a 8 bit image)
bumpmaps are normally a 8 bit gray ( yuck- very BAD idea ) or 16 bit tif image or 32 bit float image
rebake and save as a 32 bit float exr , or a 16 bit tiff
gimp 2.9 or Nip2 can open them
nip2 is better for image data NOT in the 0 to 1 range
all those “swirls” in the image you posted is the 8 bit STEPPING
there is ONLY 256 tones of gray in a 8 bit image
in a 16 bit there are 65536 tones of gray
Thank you for the reply. I did’t know about the gimp 2.9. I will look into that. Do you have any idea about how to fix that uv seams problem without texture painting?
the 3d data i have on hand is from the Minor Body Ceres from the Dawn spacecraft
in order 32 bit , 16 bit ,8 bit ,and 8 bit with 89 tones ( the image in your zip has 89 tones)
– images are 1920x1080
see the difference in the last two !