Baking and rendering Normal Maps

Here is a simple scene with a normal map baked onto a cylinder from a multi-res mesh. No matter what I do I cant get rid of the faces when I render. Here is an example.

It’s faint but you should be able to see lines running horizontally. None of them are seams, they are all lines created by the faces of the model I believe.

Here is my set up.

Smooth shading was on when I baked the normal map, and it is on when I render.

This is a view of the model with the method of display set to material.

I would post a picture of the wire frame but I’ve maxed my file limit.

Any suggestions as to how i can get rid of the faces and make it appear more cylindrical / smooth?? :rolleyes:

It’s hard to tell exactly what’s wrong from images.

If it appears ok in material mode, which appears to be the case, then perhaps you have the multires mesh hidden in the viewport. Which means it’s not creating any z-fighting. But have you disabled rendering for the multires mesh in the outliner? Is it possible you’re seeing both meshes rendering in the same space?

I ask that because I only see one layer with active objects. If I’m baking I prefer to separate low/high/cage onto their own layers.

I don’t know if that’s that actual issue. But there’s no harm in trying to eliminate the obvious stuff first. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the response Macser. :eyebrowlift2: I don’t believe that is the issue though. I’ve checked all the objects in my scene. I built a new scene to test it again (same results as before). Also the way I’m baking doesn’t require 2 meshes and doesn’t need a cage. What I’m doing is.

1 I start from the primitive with shading set to smooth. Set up some lighting and a backdrop.
2 UV Unwrap the mesh, saving the image to my desktop.
3 Add a multi resolution modifier to the primitive mesh temporarily subdividing it 5 times ( I will not apply the multi-res)
4 Sculpt detail.
5 Do some node work to prep for Baking.
6 Bake normal map from the multi resolution modifier (save image to desktop)
7 Get rid of multi resolution modifier leaving me with only the primitive mesh.
8 And Render.

People have such good results rendering in blender I must just be missing something. If not should I try a different render engine? :cool: :eek: Thanks for the help.