Baking normals without the active object showing up?

Hey guys!

I’m attempting to bake the normals for the object on the right onto the uv map of the face on the left:

It’s not been working at all thus far. Using the default Blender Render, the left face is all that shows up:

And in Cycles, there seem to be spots where the normal source should be showing up, but there’s naught but blank space:

For Cycles, I used the settings from these instructions, and in the default renderer, I have Selected to Active checked and have tried various settings of Distance and Bias to no avail.

Any insight?

Does the object have a mirror modifier ?
If so the each side of the object will use the same UVs so you will only see one half baked.

Your .blend file is not showing as attached to your post!

Ack! I keep forgetting about that: