Baking seamless textures off Ocean Sim - how?

I am still wondering how can I bake seamless (tiling) animated diffuse/normal/spec/etc. maps from Ocean Sim.

The option Ocean Sim has doesn’t to a good job at all. It can only bake into EXR format, and it depends heavily on scale of the simulation.

I need TGA output regardless on the simulation scale.

I could bake it to a plane, but how would I make those textures tiling? How can I bake animation sequence too?


Maybe i’m late…anyway for who need i think you can bake normals,etc to a square plane; then load the resulting texture in gimp/ps and select only the part with informations about normals,etc. ; will be already seamless since the mesh generated from the modifier is already tileable.

Yeah, sounds about right :slight_smile:

How do I bake image sequence though? Baking happens into Image Editor …

You can do that manually for the hundreds of frames you need :wink: otherwise maybe with a script…but i don’t have experience in this sector.