Only balls and girl.
Blender, Zbrush.
Really ?
Nice shading! really cool
The only thing that bothers me is the expression on the face. Or the lack of. It looks kind of like a Poser default or something.
You could make very weak red light going down from the woman on the ground, same for balls.
It lacks GI.
In such a huge color contrast the GI should be very visible.
Pretty cool . The top half of the women’s body is to thin , lol she looks bulimic , looks a little out of proportion . thicker arms bigger boobs and squarer and larger shoulders should help . Don’t really know what Freemind means by Lacks GI , I don’t know what GI is lol . Otherwise I think it is a good rendering . :eyebrowlift:
I don’t know what GI is lol
Global illumination, bounce lighting.
thicker arms bigger boobs and squarer and larger shoulders should help
Let’s keep this forum kid-friendly, okay?
thaks guys!
Her face says - what am I doing here…shit. Kill me artist.
No, this is not fucking Poser!!! Here only Blender and Zbrush, no another software.
slenderman fingers!!
balls are bit diffuse, would be cool if they where glossy/reflective also, and you had a world texture to reflect. both them and her rubber dress.
but she got some serious creepy slenderman posé and fingers
Trying to keep kid friendly lol but I am not looking at how busty and big boobed the model is as much as I’m looking at proportions . Even if the hips and legs were slimmer it would help a bit . But still very nice rendering .
Personally, I don’t think a mature chick with that big a tummy would have such little jubblies. Stick a c cup on her and see what happens. This chick has been FED.
i felt the lack of indirect lighting too… and about the balls… it’s loking like more 2d circles than 3d spheres…
and out of technical problems, i think that the women is… isolated… it’s like if the background doesn’t match with the scene… the womem position give us a atmosphere while the balls, the light amount, the empty room, give us another. The women should be in front of some reaaly abstract background… it’s what i think…
Nice work !
Nice work!
Agree with the facial expression : needs some work …
As to her chest : it’s refreshing to see “normal” proportions for once : not every woman has silicone implants you know, or as I call them : “silly cones” ;).
hm…interesting. Maybe.
Ok. In the next work I correct my errors
Thank you for your comment.
Again I don’t mean she needs Huge boobs . Top half from her waist line to her neck needs to be scaled up . Almost looks like toddler shoulders on a woman’s body .
Dimetrii the fingers are maybe too long or too skiny in same time, the top part is unbalanced anatimicaly and shoulders and neck don`t fit in. It is like a girafe and is more a charicature than an real person.
Rig her and put it on a straight pose then take some measures on the proportions. Aka chest size , hand relation to feet. It does not take more than a second for anyone to see that is not so natural.
And the name it is offendind to female artist that are on this forum daily. So my advice it is to rename to something more “normal” name. One name that fit this with that proportions it is “The dolls scared by the balls” or “Alice in wonderball” get it ?
+1. Stuff like this makes a bad impression on girls, and proves that Blender is 98% male.