This is my pretty much my first (successful:)) attempt at modeling something i didn’t use any background reference so proportions may be off. i will add strings, well attempt to add strings and send some more rendered shots but my computer is slow so i haven’t gotten round to it. C&Cs are welcome
It’s a nice banjo. Tuning machine looks a bit large, and the neck looks a bit narrow. You don’t get extra points, though, for modeling without references. Google images and, quite often, EBay, will have decent front and back views you can use. Nothing wrong with starting without reference images, but unless your doing a fantasy or cartoon object, you need to get the proportions right sooner or later. Welcome to BlenderArtists
hi…good looking model you got there…add some lights to see more details…
I didn’t completely model it from head as i modeled my own banjo, but thanks ill get right on it:D