Bapsis'z Beast...

Hey all,

Well, i couldn’t resist! Making a beast like S68 and BgDM was just far too tempting, and so here i post… :wink:

This is about 2 hours work, and my first blending in a week!!! :wink:

Let me know what you think!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

hehe the war of the beasts…

yeah, good start! i don’t see anything wrong yet (well, it is missing part of its head, but… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: ).

good work.


well, good and nice start. Good luck I will be watching you guys advancing :slight_smile:

Hey… very cool- I Like how you got so much detail into your beast… looks like a pig structure? nifty- can’t wait to see!

Wow, thats looks promising. Nothing to crit.


Wow, mighty bapsis joined the BeastMaking…

anyone else?

Cool start, can’t wait for next update


Excellent start. Looks to be more of an ogre than a beast, but we’ll see where you go with it.


This seems to be one of the “prettier” beasts floating around. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Great work, though!

Keep it up.
