Basic Head

So I am working on another head. Took pictures of my face for reference, fired up blender, and used no tutorials what-so-ever, no references (except my photos) and just relied on my own blender skill (ummm… if I have any, lol)

Heres what I got:

I think its a little bit out of proportion in some areas, and im not sure if the edgeloops are that great… post any crits, or suggestions please.

well, i think you might want to first read the tutorials and threads so we dont have to repeat ourselves. It looks very good for a stocking robber. there are some good ear tuts as well.

i agree - for having nothing to go by but your own references that’s very good. surprisingly clean, though some more edge-loop focus would only help. especially in the nose area - the concentration of the edgeloops give it a pinched look.

personal preference: i’d define the contours of the face some more…maybe exaggerate the basic distinctive characteristics of the face.

but man, for no tutorials - really good. keep it up, and don’t fear the ear. :slight_smile: my motto is just go at it and if it doesn’t turn out right the first time, the experience still can’t hurt.

Yeah, I noticed the area around the nose looked a little bit messed up, but havn’t found a way to fix it. :-\

hmmmm yeah it really seems unfixable at this stage…unless you used tris…no that would just make it look more pinched.

for future reference, try to make the edgeloops from the nose follow around down to under the mouth:

this will better represent the muscle or whatever it is that goes from the bridge/curve of the nose to the cheek…

well, i think you might want to first read the tutorials and threads so we dont have to repeat ourselves. It looks very good for a stocking robber. there are some good ear tuts as well.

Lets be a bit more considerate and offer a real crit. The main area I see is from the nose to the mouth that needs work. Look at the base loops in the “better face tutorial” thread. My attachment highlights the area I mean. I might also think about ending the second loop in from the midline into a tri at the forehead. But thats simply a personal choice, since it can give good deformation and wrinkles with certain brow motions.

He can easily go back and tweak the loops. Its hardly unfixable.


of course; i meant that using the edgeloop setup he is currently there is not much to do for the area surrounding the nose. and so i recommended that method…

really you have too many edges in the middle/cheek area. not that many are needed.

also, the edgeloops around the ear area form an x or a grid. i think it would be better for modeling in the ear if the edgeloop (like from the top of the head) flowed around it…here’s what i mean:

it’s almost like the spokes of a wheel…it would help you get rid of that weird geometry in the back of the head…

but again, you have said that you didn’t use any tutorial or particular technique, and relative to those qualities, it’s very good. u have plenty of blender skill ;).

Also, youve got the little chipmunk cheeks going on. Try shrinking the cheeks back a bit, giving the cheekbones more definition.

NIce model though, I agree with jason, very clean.