I’m probably missing something obvious here, but what’s the correct way to use the Rusty Knife script? This forum gave me enough information to find that the script existed, but the information about it doesn’t appear to describe the version of the script that’s available
I’m trying to subdivide a cube in a certain direction, hence subdivide with beauty is no good to me (as the faces are square).
I’ve got as far as - open a text window, open the rusty knife script in that window, alt-p to run the script and a “cut” button appears in the text window. Now what…?
Help much appreciated (and please assume I’m a complete novice!).
There are two knife scripts, actually, a ‘rusty’ and a ‘non-rusty’
If you are using the ‘rusty’ you should work in face select mode, and then select the faces to be splitted. Once selected press cut.
If you are using the ‘stainless steel’ knife then you must have both your object and a plane. Place the plane where you want your cut to be. Select first the Object, then the planeand press cut.
Thanks for that. Yes, I’m using the Rusty knife, but was selecting cut first. Doh!
One more question if I may - when using face select (with an orthoganol viewpoint), I sometimes seem to select the back face of the cube rather than the front. Is there a way to control which is selected?
Hit F in object mode (pink) to go into face mode. The object will turn white. Then to select the faces to cut, shft-rmb a row of faces. The cut will appear parallel to the selected faces. (if you select one face only the cut could go either way)
In face mode it is impossible to select any hidden faces. I’ve tried to reproduce your problem and can’t.