I’ve been building swords similar to this for a while now. I wanted to know what you guys think I should add(such as small details or big changes) that could help me out.
I through this sword together in about 15-20 minutes. Not my best but similar to what I can do. Except for the little chain at the end. That was a little addition to it.
I would narrow it up a bit, or make it a bit more flat. It looks like a rolling pin. =) Maybe a guard around the hand from the top of the handle to the bottom of the handle. Looks cool man. Good luck.
I’m an practicaly an expert on european swords so I thingk I might be able to give you a few pointers. Slim down the handle. This will make it easier to balance. Thicken the blade (interms of width) this will give more driving force to each blow and make it a little more structirly ridgid. Tip needs more of a point since quite a lot of the fighting positions involoves thrusts. Also you might want to do something with the chain. When I’m fighting I don’t want something to be flinging around getting in the way. Good work though, keep it coming.