Batch export .OBJ files in 2.8?

Good day, fellas. I’m hoping someone would know a bit about this:

I need to get my game level scene exported as individual meshes instead of a single OBJ mesh. This is required in order to take advantage of the object occlusion features in a game engine I’m using. Basically the engine does not render objects out of camera view to save on draw calls but for that to work, the objects have to be individually loaded, Otherwise it treats the whole level as a single mesh and draws everything.

In any case I either need Blender 2.8 to be able to export individual objects OR I need some sort of Batch Renaming tool to add prefixes to ALL selected objects. There technically is an addon that one of the game engine users had developed specifically for that purpose, however it requires objects to be name with a certain naming convention and blender does not seem to allow batch renaming. I’ve got a level with 400+ Meshes in it and vanilla blender does not offer any sort of batch renaming tools. Perhaps someone can slap together a quick python script?

Do we happen to have something to solve either issue? Batch Export or Batch Rename… or perhaps some 3rd party tool which would break apart single OBJ mesh into the separate meshes it’s made up of?

I found it here

That script does not work for me in 2.82a

It says check the message in the console, but I don’t see any message.