Batch UV map settings

I have a bunch of separate UV mapped faces which i need to Twosided at the Texture face tab, i tried to select all of them and change it but it only changes the first one, how would i change all of them at once?

Select all the ones you want to change, switch to UV Face Select mode, shift-select the one face that has the UV properties you want (to make it the active face), then select Copy UV+Tex (and possibly Copy Drawmode).

can you provide a little bit more detail?

“Select all the ones you want to change”
Selected all the faces?? Starting in what mode? Object Mode, edit mode

switch to UV Face Select mode, shift-select the one face that has the UV properties you want (to make it the active face),
how do i make it the active face, just by selecting? so it would be selected along with the other faces?

then select Copy UV+Tex (and possibly Copy Drawmode).

Since you are texturing faces, you want to work with faces. Since you cannot select faces in Object mode, you need to be in Edit mode.

“switch to UV Face Select mode, shift-select the one face that has the UV properties you want (to make it the active face),”
how do i make it the active face, just by selecting? so it would be selected along with the other faces?

Yes, by selecting with shift-select. You will see that it becomes the active face because the UV widget (red and green UV coordinate system) will be present in that one face. All the other faces you have selected will be highlighted somewhat. It helps to be in Texture shading mode (Alt-Z) to see this.

then select Copy UV+Tex (and possibly Copy Drawmode).[/quote]

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Since “Double Sided” is not a property of the texture but of the way faces are displayed (in edit mode), it would be helpful if you could provide some more details or a screenshot - thanks!


hello Tiemann

   Your approach does cpy UV and texture, but it doesn't copy texture face property 

If you are inside UVfaceSelect/F9/Texture Face tab , i want to change stuff like Halo, billboard, shadow, twoside, etc, for a bunch of them at a time instead of just one at a time.