What’s your sunlamp’s intensity set to?
finished with the base materials, decided to add some particles for fun before i jump into the texturing and fine details
@mattfrank7: i have the lamp set to 6, with a size of .1
Looks awesome! And thanks for the help man
I just recently did a little work on a void ray.
Just another quick question, sorry haha, but how did you set up the lighting/glow for the muzzle flash or particles of the turrets closest to the engines?
I used a color ramp to isolate the bright areas and then blurred them and added a glare. For the flash I just modeled a flash and then gave it a bright red emission.
Great work, texturing looks awesome so far
This one looks awesome ! Looking forward to seeing it finished.
Reeeeaaaally awesome.
Great work and great details!
I love Starcraft
hmmm dem engines
Space background would work better , I think. Also, who is it shooting. Details Please. Otherwise - stunning work
Looks awesome,how did you do the glow effect on the engines and other parts of the ship?
It really brings it to life.
Not to be too picky, dailerob, since this is an awesome undertaking as it is, but I have a misgiving about the texture shown in post #27. It has been bugging me since seeing it, and I finally figured why - the black and yellow border scale is misleading, and almost dictates the wrong scale of craft compared to the guns and the massive size of the craft. At the scale it is now, I would expect the human occupants to be almost the size of the gun turrets, but my initial feeling when you started this up was that they were massively larger than that, at least double or triple the height of a human.
Other than that, I am loving the experience of seeing you compose your work.
dailerob excellent battle cruiser, great rendition of starcraft Yamato…
pretty much done with details/texturing. Plan to put it in a more interesting scene within the next few days and post that to finished projects.
@Marsal- thanks
@CG-predetor- i agree, space looks cool, on your other note, i still don’t know what its shooting at
@DCBloodHound- isolated the bright areas with a coloramp, blurred them, then added them back to the original image
@Craig Jones- so actually i’ve always thought the size of the battlecruisers from the cinematics was a bit absurd (they were like a kilometer long) so with this one I went much smaller, with all the windows consistently matching up with the railings, though i could definitely see how some people would think that would understate the gigantic size of the batttlecrusier.
@hanzo- thanks
I like the dark image two posts ago. I think it would be better if it had some lights or glow coming from it’s belly. I think it would be slightly better if the planet on the right was a little bigger and that there wasn’t a planet on the left.
I would like to see a picture with it firing the Yamoto gun.
If you’re interested in getting recognition for your work, you may want to contact some of the popular Starcraft streams on Twitch.tv. A model for a marine was used for the IPL background and got over 90 million views.