Battlefield 4 Emblem

Hello there! I’m making a 3D emblem in Blender and would like some feedback on it. Now let me tell you what my idea is first off, the second image I’ve attached is the original emblem I made on the Battlefield website. I want to make the emblem as if it’s an old, cold-war era, soviet era, factory sign.
As you can see the emblem has a lot of rust, the eagle, my name, and the main banner are in process. Behind the minor banners (the pointy ones) and the lighting bolts you can see rusted support beams, I was thinking about maybe expanding that idea, maybe making a bigger rusted metal support mesh, what do you guys think?
The lighting looks a bit too intense on the right side and not enough on the left, I’ve attaching an image for my lighting set up below, maybe I should tone the emission level down or reposition the lighting planes?
I was also thinking about adding some ivy growing from the lower right hand side up towards the emblem, help give it an old, abandoned look.
If you have any suggestions please let me know.



I personally think the background would look better as torn up dirt, like a battfield sorta.

Try this texture:
and then subdivide a bunch, and then use displace modifier with cloud texture. Also make sure to give it a normal map!

The reason I’ve put a rusted texture is to make it look like the emblem is on a rusted factory steel door or wall. I’m not sure if dirt would give that look.
The flat background looks pretty dull in a way. Maybe I should make an actual door or a blast door?