I recently made a wallpaper using characters from our favourite movie: Big Buck Bunny. It promotes Creative Commons directly… and indirectly because it could never have been done without a movie and its files under a CC license.
Click on the image to download it in a full size (1920 x 1080).
I’m working for the summer as a tech intern at Creative Commons and I love Blender, that may be why I got the idea of an ad using BBB characters. Of course, I made this picture on my free time, CC has lots of important things to work on.
May i suggest you pan the “We love CC” text to the right until it matches the 4:3 resolution? the chars fit perfectly on 4:3 if you center the image on the desktop eventhough its 16:10, but the text gets cut off.
Sure, we are all pros here and i could simply move it my own since there is just the blue background. nevertheless
Thanks for your comments, I think I’ll do a new version asap.
Yeah I noticed the BB thumb issue, but in fact he just has strange hands, I didn’t stretch it.Try it by yoursalf if you want. I’ll see what I can do for that.
And I also had problems with his arms, he can’t do everything he wants with his arm (this was mentioned in the BBB DVD, and now I understand it;) )
I first had a smile with the teeth, but I found it too scary, maybe sadistic, so I decided an idiot smile would be better.
But thanks again for your comments. And of course, feel free to use, distribute and remix it