BBB Music

Is there anywhere (or is it possible) to get the sheet music (if there is any) for the BBB I would love to be able to play those peices on the keyboard.
i think the music is there

no, i don’t think jan has published the music sheets,
but i do know that he has got an account on the forums,
so maybe you could ask here:

Concept3D: looks like you’d need to transcribe it (assuming your aural is up to it) :stuck_out_tongue:

You’d think it would be available, what with the nature of the movie and everything. Maybe you should email the composer. Jan Morgenstern’s site, for reference, is:

Oh nooos! Proprietary music.

  • sorry for my unhelpful comment =P

Sorry, but the reason the sheet music isn’t available is not because Jan wants to hide it, but because he did not make the music in such a way that it would be easy to make sheets music in the first place. But I’m sure that if you were to present you past experiences, he might give you the source file, and let you make your own sheet music.