Hello Blender artist forum,
This is my project that I have been working on for a while now, kindof in between all of the other stuff I am working on. I am mostly done with the moddling, I have the hands left as well as some other stuff I wnat to fix. comments and crits on the bot would be good, but I may not take your sugestions just because I want to move on.
I hope this is going to end with animation but I don’t know much about mechainical rigging, so some help with that, would be good. (links for recent tuts?)
I want to rigg him before I material & texture, for various reasons.
about the actual bot, he is a missile attack robot, his sides open in two missile bays (I have that functiong animated, I may post it soon depending on intrest), he also caries a missile in his wrist for quick luanch as well as a bullet function in his other wrist. He can launch his smaller type missiles standing but for a anti armor or defense position he “tripods” for support two legs comming forward with a support arm folding out back.
he has two leg “modes”:
-on his short legs, were his calfs and 2nd feet fold into his thighs, and his knee caps are the other set of feet. used for a more stationary position that gives him a lower center of gravity and stable support for launching missiles without going all of the way into “tripod mode”
-extended, he stands slightly taller than a man, in that positon for faster moving actions like running, walking, but if he is required to guard an area or make a moving attack, typivcally he will switch to short mode.
his upper arms and thighs carry a jet assist for fast moving on land, or a low, slow flight mode.
also you will notice alot of air intakes and fans in the head and torso (the stomach area houses high draw spinning cylenders that suck air throuh his torso to cool off an ventalate his missile bays.)
the name is what came first into my head on the first day of work on him, so its not final, that is just what I have been calling him since, it may stick.