beautiful girl (test on sss and hair)

This is the result from a test trying to achieve good looking skin and hair with Blender. I’m still working on it:

The skin is a tad too shiny on the jaw line, the teeth dont look right and the hair looks good. Is the hair done with particles or a soft bodies mesh? also does the skin use SSS or NODES?

I think the center of the top lip is missing that dip-shape to it, and agree that the teeth have a kind of weird crooked symmetry to them. Also the eyebrows seem to be below the top of the eye socket of the skull. It doesn’t look bad though.

Other than that, she’s my ideal woman, and I think I’m in love <3 <3 <3


Sorry didn’t notice that this was a test for skin and hair ><

Yeah, well it’s not finished at all but I think she deserves to be finished, so i’m going to sculp her face and fix her teeth :yes:

yes, the hair and eyebrows are particle hair, and the skin is nodes

Very good start! Some observations:

– Skin has too high a specular value (shiny) and needs more definition of surface relief (pores, blemishes, etc) – it’s too even all around, in surface texture, color & value.
– Hair need some translucency, it’s just a bit too opaque. Lashes are a bit thick and too regular – need more variation in length and orientation. Eyebrows need to curve more gracefully, particularly from inner start to middle.
–Transition from lips to the skin around the mouth is too abrupt, the top lip in particular – looks almost as if she’s wearing “fake lips.” The slight dimples at corners of the mouth look a bit too creased, could use some smoothing out.
– Neck seems a bit thin and stalk-like – the way it meets the jawline at picture right looks unnatural.
– Irises could use more striations, and the sclera (whites) could use at least a suggestions of fine veins. Where the eyeball meets the lids, there should be a thin line of moisture barely visible, that also extends into the tears ducts, which look a bit too wide open to my eyes.

All of these are just possible touch-ups to a well-established base. Looking forward to seeing the progress.

she looks like she is sweating