Beauty Through Imperfection


My friend once joked as I should create a redhair for him therefore sometime ago I decided to do so =) I also wanted to combine her with my passion to sci-fi and cyberpunk but still kept it realistic. That’s how I came up with this project. Another reason for creating this scene was a series of photos I’ve seen not so long ago. They were presenting amazing prostethic designs by Scott Summit ( This made me think of people who lost their limbs but still can enjoy their lifes and not to be intimidated by a leg or arm replacement.

So there we go, a girl who’s using a prostethic leg, however wants it to look elegant and modern so it rather compliments her beauty then is a disadvantage. If you check Scott Summit’s work you’ll see I was strongly insipired by his designs.

The technical side of the project:
Character was modeled using Makehuman and then remodeled with ZBrush.
Dress and the lace were made in ZBrush aswell, so were other dresses, shoes and cloth in the wardrobe.
Prosthetic was created with ZBrush.
All of the elements of room interior were made in Blender 2.70. I also used Blender cloth simulator for bedsheet and dresses that lie on the bed and floor.
Hair was made in Blender.
Everything rendered with Blender Cycles and postprocessed in Blender aswell.


Beautiful work! I love the message and concept. The only thing that looks a bit weird is the reflection of the environment in the mirror, but this isnt that important since all the rest of the scene is really well executed. I also like how you guide the viewer to look at the prosthetic.
Outstanding work!

Thanks a lot for the feedback suboptimal! I’m really glad to hear such words =) At night I came up with the idea on how to make the message stronger so I’ve rerendered one part of the scene.