Bedroom + Wardrobe design

“Created a special atmosphere for two”

The project was done in Blender 2.93.5
3000 Samples
Compositor Denoiser
I continue to improve my skills in creating realistic interior rendering in Blender
If you have any advice or comments, write - I will be happy to discuss. :slight_smile:




hello I really like your work! I have some questions, is it necessary to use so many samples? and how long did your rendering for a single image take?

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Hi, thanks, I really appreciate it.
As for the samples, I noticed that when there is little light in the room, a lot of noise is obtained. Therefore, in order to remove this noise, so that the textures are less blurred during denoise, I try to use more samples.
On average, it took 1h20min-1h40min :open_mouth: for each angle in the bedroom, and no more than 50min in the wardrobe. How many samples do you usually use in your works? :slight_smile:

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amazing! Thanks for sharing that information with me, I usually give a maximum of 1024 samples, and in the light paths option I use all the values ​​in 64

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Oh thank you. I’ll also try experimenting with Light Path, I wonder what I get :slight_smile:

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It helps a lot to the quality of the lighting of the scene and the definition of the objects, perhaps with a little less samples and playing with light paths you achieve something similar and in less time

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ok i will definitely try, thanks :wink:

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Keep going :muscle:t2:

Great work, congrats.

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Hi Denis, this is awesome work. I love realistic interior and I aspire to learn Blender to do this.

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Thank you, I would like to know why you write the same comment to everyone, what is the secret? :laughing:

Thanks. Good luck in your endeavor :wink:

long story, ( because of arrogant people )
less words more work. :wink:
I don’t comment on every project :face_with_monocle:

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