Hi! This is the first time I publish something here, mainly because I think is the first time I did something decent enough to publish.
I tried to recreate a photo I found on the internet and make de scene as realistic as my knowledge allows me. I rendered this with the blender internal render, but I will probably try to render it with Luxrenders and other external renders.
Suggestions to improve de final render are welcome You can download the blend file from my blog
wow, i did’nt know internal could do a render like this, you are very good i think,
do not render in external, you will humiliate me!!
also, very good work, keep it up
good, but you could work more on the scene to make a great render in yafaray, i recomend you read how to make a grass tutorial in the yafaray site, because yafaray don’t render particles, so, your carpet is plane. also, improve the quality of the render to avoid these noises.
Some comments: the ceiling color. In blender internal I see a darker colored ceiling, in yafa a white one.
Among the worse with BI is this case. Its a white painted ceiling is it? Tell me it isn’t, please.
rosinho12 Thanks! Unfortunately I will render this with external renders hehe I will also take a point to your suggestions on the B65ISP render, Thanks!
B65ISP nice quick render with yafaray! I will probably do a render with yafaray to
byob_soad2 Thanks! Glad I helped you get inspired
michalis Thanks! I’m afraid it is white it’s the same material as the walls. I tried to simulate some bouncing lights, but looks like it wasn’t enough, maybe I can improve that. Thanks again
Here’s my attempt using LuxRender. Mostly the auto-material-convert + me reconnecting textures manually, although the metal and glass stuff had to be changed around. Also, what was with all the subsurf in here? I removed most of it, took Lux’s RAM usage from 3.4GB down to 1.3GB. Some of those subsurf modifiers were increasing an objects poly count by a power of 4 without even changing its appearance.
Also, I removed all the lights except the sun, no need for the others with Lux. Rendered it with the new photon mapping mode in 0.8, took a little under 2 hours total to do this:
That’s path particles going all screwy somewhere along the line. Not sure why they are in the scene there (fuzz on the bed?) but Lux lacks a strand primitive so luxblend25 exports path particles as a line of cylinders, not unlike what the OP modeled for those twigs on the left side of the pic. Sometimes this doesn’t look quite right. That appears to be the case here.
As for what went wrong with the rug particles, I have no idea. I’ve used group particles with Lux several times, not sure what went wrong here.
Fixed the particles (just turned off the ones on the bed, ones on the rug, I forgot you need to export the original group with Lux, so it has something to make the instances with. Silly me). Also gave tweaked the curtain material and gave it a shot with LuxRender’s SPPM branch:
Render time was about 2 hours, ~1150 passes, I think. I had to make the floor matte to get it work though, if you use glossy it won’t render the sunlight on the floor, because it can’t hit the sun. (um…yeah, it’s in its own branch still for a reason)
J_the_Ninja great render The subsurf was to get rid of sharp corners, if I remove that it is very noticeable on hires renders (I’ve updated the first post with a link to the hires render, I forgot it :P) but I think I will probably can reduce a lot the subsurf. Thanks for the suggestions and the blen file
Oh the particle on the bed, I must admit, it was a bad idea, I’m still learning
Aliet Thanks! I’ve based this render in a photo I saw on the internet, and the wood was just like that, I think it gives some contrast between the dark and light wood.
The reason for black roof is to long distance in attenuation under gather in wourld tab. It was 6m, ruffly the size of the room. Making the floor shading the roof from el and vice versa. If rendering Your file with only el/ao the middle of the room is in dark because el is shaded from all directions. Attach a pic.
If lowering distance to ~1.6 only sane shadows remains. That makes things much brighter so I lowered the el to 0.1 and turned ao off for the next example. Thats a bit saner to add lighting to.
Also made a pic with added lighting but now I’m little more lost. I did remove the roof and wall area lights (that stuff is what el is for) and added more lights around the windows who are the primary light source. Also turned of post processing not because I didn’t like it, but because I could not tweak it to the new lighting.
Thanks Your self, SlykDrako, for a good planned scene, nice modelling and materials to play with. I could not have done anything close jet!
Hmm… I also changed el to white from sky texture - we are indoor after all. It should really be yellow-brownish to match the room but blender don’t let us set that color separately
@B65IDP: Not so much done. Did the el fix mentioned, removed the wall and roof lights. Think I turned the sun a litle brighter and the window area lights a little bluer. Then I added two area light inside the windows, in front of the curtains. bigger and slightly to the side to match the sun. one facing in to the room at a power of 0.03, one at 0.05 facing out to mimic light scattered/bouncing from the curtain. Both these have white light.
Then two area light on the floor where the sun hits the floor facing upwards, 0.2, orange touch.
Distance on all area light are 5-6M. Theres room for much more tweaking here before its perfect.