Beginner question

Hi guys!
As a fun thing to do in my sparetime I’ve gained interest in gamedesign and was thinking about trying to make my own game. Right now I’m just trying to play around with the basic to see what I can do. The last few days I’ve been going through youtube videos to try and learn the basics. I picked up UDK and Blender and found them rather user friendly.

Right now I’m trying to create my own weapon in Blender and then export that into UDK. For starters i’m trying to make a magic wand, basically just a stick.

I understand bones are necessary for weapons, they indicate where the animations start and gives something for the character to hold on to, i guess? Because I have a wand, do I only need two bones? One at the base for the character to hold onto and one at the tip for the animations to come from?


You do not need any bones for the wand, the character has bones in it’s hand, or just one if you don’t want to animate the fingers, you then make the wand a Child Of (use Child Of constraint) the hand bone and it “sticks” to the hand. To let go you make the influence of the Child Of constraint 0.

This is the basic quick reply - more detail from you means more details from us!

Cheers, Clock.