I have to paint a forest scatter onto an imported Google Map terrain in Scatter5.
Is it possible to somehow see theimage overlay during vertex paint? Going in and out every couple of seconds is tedious, and my search results only come up with vertex paint stuff
No idea, me no understand
But I’ll try this out tomorrow and see what happens! I’m guessing the colour attribute also works with opacity to simulate the transition from blue to Green to red? Vertex is where colour is, not that hard to grasp, I’d say, but this is completely new to me, good to learn something again!
I’m not very familiar with this, in Scatter5, I get to paint with the same tool like in weight painting, from blue to red. That’s all I can see. But I can also use any given vertex group, so this approach might just work fine. I don’t know if the paint tool works purely with pixel or vertex data, the latter would be logical, so there shouldn’t be much difference. Gotta check the multires modifier though, since I’m dealing with a ginormous landscape, or maybe I’ll just rtfm and find out I can make up for the lacking mesh density by multiplying the scatter assets around the vertices….
Looking forward to trying this out, thank you for oiling my banana processing unit! And for the smilie, made my day
The above setup is for VERTEX painting, as this is what you mentioned, but if you need to do the same thing in WEIGHT painting ( which is where you get a blue/red ‘heat’ map ) then the setup is easier. Use your existing material but in the interface for Weight painting . . .