Belkin N52TE interface with Blender

Since this is still an interface issue (albeit hardware), this seems to be the only section to post this in. If I am incorrect, please provide me with the proper section and not, “this doesn’t belong here” and I will move it promptly.

This is directed at N52TE owners who are interested in as well using their speedpads to work with Blender. I hope this finds you well as this can have the potential of being a great tool :slight_smile: .

Lately I have stopped playing games altogether and started to invest time into modeling with Blender ( and just like my video games have to go all over the place with the keyboard (i.e. hitting numpad keys for views, other functions located from all ends of the keyboard). So I figure what’s a better way to solve this issue? The same way I have with games, with the Belkin Nostromo 52 TE.

So far it has been a great idea. I have a nice layout that works great for editing. My problem though is switching from Object to Edit mode and vice-versa (with TAB) AND switching keymaps at the same time (specifically from blue to red and vice-versa) so I can have different layouts for the different modes. This would be ideal.

The keymap application (from Razer) has a macro editor. Unfortunately there is no way to add a “TAB + Red Keymap Toggle” macro with it. Although I could make separate bindings for TAB and “Red Keymap toggle”, that would be counter productive as it would take two keys and defeat the whole point of switching modes and contexts at the same time. So I have been tweaking the config .ini file for a custom macro.

Note: Ignore spaces within the macro value

It seems to use a Unicode structure to define keys. Tab is either 1301 (pressed) or 1300 (released), this
being isolated by making a dummy profile where all keys except one are disabled which is tabs, then saved and the profile opened with notepad. The FF01 is a 50ms delay (also consistent) and DE00 being the “Red Keymap Toggle” code (also isolated like TAB was). I have also used the same “press/release” convention as Tab by using DE01 and DE00. After editing the .ini manually, I would load it within the Macro Editor and re-save so the number at the far end of the Macro string will change to what it should be (which I am guessing is the length of the Macro in hex, not certain though). After I would update all my attempts with “Apply Changes”.

Naturally, it doesn’t work. It will TAB with no problem but it won’t switch keymaps.

Has anyone worked with these .ini files and can be able to help me? I cannot find any documentation as to editing this configuration and could use help as this Macro would be extremely ideal. Thank you very much for reading and for any input/solutions you may have :slight_smile: .