I think I migth have the lousiest time(I need a new pc! :slight_smile: ):
400mhz celeron with 160mb of ram
64mb gforce 4

@ce you cheater lol! Smells like overclocking for me

hahaha beat you all :stuck_out_tongue:

Saved: C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\render\explosion\0291.jpg Time: 06:39.44

Pentium 550
256 mb ram
Radeon 7500

Running Minesweeper, IE, and Blender.

uhmm…so why does it don’t work?[/quote]

ill try it again today, i think blender fucked up yesterday. it didnt want to open normal blenderfiles and was extremely slow when it did open them.


Saved: C: mp\render\explosion\0291.jpg Time: 00:50.93

Blender 2.26, on Dual Athlon MP 2000+ or so, 1 Gig ram… sad that Blender is’ìnt Multi threaded (yet)

Maybe sadder than 2.23 says
Saved: C: mp\render\explosion\0291.jpg Time: 01:01.72 (0.00)

I was used in 2.23 being faster than 2.26 :o


OK, what the heck is my CPU? I know it’s a pentium II (or think it is, ugh) Oh gosh, I hate this thing they gave me!!! Lets see… According to the system profile, I have:

Microsoft Windows 2000
Service Pack 2
Registered to:
My work ;oP
x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping
261,616 KB RAM

I have a Matrox Graphics MGA-G200 AGP
I’ll have to edit this post and restart to see what my memory is on it

This system is called a Hewlett Packard Vectra VL and actually, it says on the box that there is a pentium III inside, so the info in System devices for the bridges and controllers is wrong? OR an early version, will post back when I watch start up info

talking about info, here goes:

04:06.88 1st try with nothing open
Ok, more info:
04:35.83 2nd try with a novel error poping up on my system at that moment I started, LOL
03:26.03 3rd try
03:58.67 4th try
03.34.32 5th try

Boy, I’m bored at work again ain’t I?

Hee hee hee, anyway, it’s a PIII 500mhz and don’t think there is ANY video memory (is that possible?) Weird start up system, can’t get any video card info that isn’t posted above. Probably part of the Mother Board.

Later :stuck_out_tongue: Ingie

Operatingsystem: Debian Linux 2.2 AKA woody Kernel 2.4.20
Hardware: AMD Athlon XP 2000
512 DDRam
Grapic controller: G4Ti4200 with 64 MB Ram

Rendertime with Blender 2.23: 00:50:50

Cheers, Olaf.

From all the tests (not lot…) I did…I belive that 2.22 is faster than all the other version…

Xeon 2.4gig HP xw6000
3 18gig SCSI HD, SCSI DVD drive
Nvidia Quadro 4 NVS
1.2 gig RAM
Linux Redhat 8
Blender 2.26
Saved: /home/james/render\explosion\0291.jpg Time: 00:38.20
will do a windows render to compare

Here are my Window XP Pro times

Saved: C:\Documents and Settings\james\Desktop\render\explosion\0291.jpg Time: 0
Saved: C:\Documents and Settings\james\Desktop\render\explosion\0291.jpg Time: 0

fastest times yet!!!

discounting stupid post of 5 seconds which is IMPOSSIBLE.

and nice computer BTW
was it a work computer or did you just have a bit of extra dough???


and why it should be impossible?

it’s a fairy fresh installation with no crap loading at runtime
a brand new PNY Quadro 980 XGL graphics card…
maybe this is what makes the huge step in speed?

Saved: C:\render\explosion\0291.jpg Time: 00:55.76
Saved: C:\render\explosion\0291.jpg Time: 00:24.00

Athlon XP 2000+, 512 M, nForce2 motherboard, GeForce4Ti4400, WinME. 3dmark score of 10,995 – no overclocking.


Time: 00:21.26

That’s on my new P4 2.8 GHz with 1 GB RAM, Win XP pro

fastest times yet!!!

discounting stupid post of 5 seconds which is IMPOSSIBLE.

and nice computer BTW
was it a work computer or did you just have a bit of extra dough???


Its my Home PC that I bought from HP.
I’ve been getting beat by my co-worker who owns a 2.4gig AMD and nForce2 board in all Benchmarks sofar.
My box should run faster but I have some garbage running in the background.

Mine was 1:20 on a PIII dual 1.4 gig cpu Taty box and 512 MB RAM running Widows Xp.

Tubal_C- you have a Xeon box because of all the money you saved in not buying Maya?

Your render times are sick and evil and should be disregarded as unfair renders. Over qualified Xeon user. Ha.

I had a good tax return :slight_smile:
A part of me wished that I had bought a AMD nForce2 based system oh well.

I’m starting to have doubts about the Xeon for this kind of work. I work on a dual Xeon 1.8 GHz 400MHz FSB , 4 GB (yes, 4) PC800 RAM, Quatro 2EX/32MB linux box running RH7.3, and my home athlon XP1800+ kicks the crap out of it. Sure, the Xeon will serve up databases and web pages like a maniac, but on the blendermark, it took 53s, 3s more than the 1/10 price athlon. Of couse, being able to run two blenders and interleave frames might make up the difference, but I am still disappointed.

SnoochyBoot, I agree with yah. The reason I went Xeon was for the Hyperthreading (plus 533FSB) to use with my Lightwave 3D. Being that Blender is not made for SMP Hyperthreading will be no advantage. Also my box is dual CPU ready and with Ultra320 scsi onboard (I own a Sun D130 with 3 18gig10K drives ) a $1300 price tag was up my ally.
But a AMD nForce2 setup would have been more bang for buck.

Saved: F:\game\render\explosion\0291.jpg Time: 01:15.29

1.39 GHz AMD Athlon™ Processor
512 RAM
ATI Radeon 7200 AGP card
Windows XP Pro