Benny: a character study *updated*

hey guys, wow, first time in the “finished projects” sections. Well, Benny isn’t really finished, but his head is and the composite I made I think came out really cool. So, here it is:


I plan to do an animation with him, other than the “wow” one I posted on the “focused critiques” forum. The Bump and Spec are both mapped with a small veroni (sp?) with help from the color map, other than that there is no other
mapping going on!

For some reason I can’t help feeling he’s British!

go figure!

He looks great and a really wide range of expressions! Well done.

WOW thats amazing! VERY well done !!1!!!one!1 !!


in the large pic with the slightly purple background his skin is coming off his eyes. But other than that, great job!

Looks really cool. But his eyes are offset behind his face. If you want them that far back, I’d extend the mesh around his eyelids so there isn’t empty space.

Its an improvement.

Poor Tony died. You won’t revive him?

Nice skin shader. The gaps around the eyes really throw this off though. You should rework that area to make it look more natural.


saw on my friends monitor, didn’t realize the background were different shades, fixing that, and am going to rerender the faces with the eyes closer to the front. Should be done by the end of today.

Not closer. MEETING the front. Your eyes touch your eyelids, ever noticed that? :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, fixed it.

I like the soft shadows in the non scared one, as they create a surreal effect. I am purposely keeping them.

Oh and Blackboe, love the sarcasm! what the hell does your sig mean anyway?

how about the composition? is it satisfactory?

It’s still only anoying that you used older images, I really don’t like the eyes in the old ones. Well I do like them, but the specular hardness is way to low.
But you fixed that already in WIP, so I should not bother.

Eh, sorry about that, but I believe it was mentioned several times by several people that the eyelids were off. The composition is pretty good as a character demonstration.

Nice work(ahem, accept that it ISNT FINISHED! :wink: SOme of the compositing in the model sheet looks pretty crappy(sorry), terrible anti-aliasing.
Anyway, glad to see you finished it.

Oh, wait…

Maybe your monitor is a little off, but the AA looks fine to me.

Altered the contrast and blurred some rough edges.


huh, maybe be my monitor…Anyway, this new one looks much better.

wow… I really like the style and the facial expressions… is possible to see a closer wireframe pic?