Best Beveling Techniques

I’ve read a few posts about different methods of beveling and preparing a bevel profile ect.

So many objects from architectural to organic need this at a basic level when beginning a model. Before a complex model can look realistic, or even good for that matter, beveling must be addressed.

It would be nice to see users post thier best, step by step method for beveling or setting up a bevel profile in Blender, without subdivision, plugins ect. Examples of WIPs or completed models would be helpful as well. We’d all probably benefit from solid posts on this.

Thanks in advance.



Without using subdivide and smooth??? Much difficult (well, not difficult… lengthy…)


The best way is to use Wings3D. :smiley:

I second that notion, Jamesk. :slight_smile:

Anyone out there have Blender based techniques?

one last bump

i don’t think there are any!!!

Sure there are.

  1. Optimise your model for subdivision surfaces.
  2. Extrude and scale.

That’s how I do it. Extrude and scale. It takes a while, but once you get used to it, it’s not so bad. What I find, however, is that many times my bevels are too subtle, and then I get suggestions to bevel an object that I’ve already beveled.


That’s the only way I know how. Or you can just model with the belves built-in! What I mean by this is when you come to a corner, don’t just put 1 vert there, put three so that you end up with a rounded edge. The farther apart the verts, the softer the edge, the closer, the sharper the edge.

Subdivision surfaces help a whole lot as well.

Sometimes I create the edge as a beveled curve or otherwise cool way of doing a smooth edge and then creates the faces afterwards by hand.


extrude, scale down, scale along normals.
