Best blogs or websites for digital artists?

what are some of the best websites or blogs to post models and finished scenes, ive been looking for some but have no idea of were to look.

thanks in advance, Matt


to name a few.
also, whatever else google throws up

These look good but are there any ones where you can get your own page/blog type thing because a lot of these look the same

I know deviantART has a pretty flexible page system. Though, if you want to have your own visual style you can make decent blogs with Google’s Blogger, which is free. The only issue with doing so is that your blog could sit there getting no views whatsoever unless you advertise it on forums/community websites, however. So be sure to put your work on forums too.

I’m currently building a blog with fc2, and there is also Hatena Blog. By all means check them out as well. (: