Best Bug Reports 🙃

Even though it’s not much useful to developers, I’ve seen weird and funny bug report headers. This is the best one so far :joy:

( T66064 )

Schrodinger’s Animation errors

If you filter the action editor by errors it will not show any unless you have seen them. This makes it very tedious to find errors with my keyframes. I’ve added a gif to show the problem better.

Have you seen such funny reports?

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Funniest comment I’ve seen in source code:

“Dig me up and I’ll fix it then.”

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Here comes some cinematic efforts from @blenderjoe :sweat_smile: : T66948

When you disable/dimm ANY kind of toggle icon (properties of a whole colection) and scroll the list to a point that collection icon goes out of the view, all the toggle icons in the collection undimm by their own.

The developer site has been flooded with bug reports over the past few days, the devs. are going to be busy working through them to have the count back at acceptable levels for 2.81. :wink:

Fortunately the core team is bigger than ever thanks to the record funding.