So what is the best diet ever?
Well, I’m about 255, I need to lose about 100 pounds.
I have asthma, back and joint pain (my chirpracter told me I have the back of an old man), I’m overwieght and close to being obese if not already, I’m slugish, feel sleepy all the time and I have poor blood circulation (different appendages keep falling asleep, arm leg, hand).
So, what is the best diet ever?
Vegan Raw.
Now I know that a lot of you may know what a Vegan is, but some of you may not. A vegan is someone who only eats fruits, vegitables and grains, no animal bi-products like eggs, milk, cheese ect…
A Vegan Raw/Raw Vegan is someone who takes it a step further though, not only are they Vegan, but they only eat fruits, vegitables and grains raw. The reason why is this philosophy, if you put an apple in the ground, you’ll get an apple, if you put pasta, bread or any cooked food in the ground, you get mold, if you put meat of any kind in the ground, you’ll get racid decaying flesh. What’s the difference? An apple (fresh uncooked fruits, vegitables and grains) contain LIFE. So if you soe life into you body, you’ll reap life, but if you soe death into your body, you’ll reap death.
That’s the philosophy, but scientifically it makes sense too.
Humans have a very long and coiled intestine, carnivores have a very short intestine. When a carnivore eats meat, it travels quickly though there bodies, however when a human eats meat, it sits there and rots and putrifies in our intestine. We were not made to eat meat.
Vegan Raw though, focuses on putting natural enzimes into your body and well as many protiens and nutriences that your body needs.
People may ask, “How do you get protien from only eating plants? Is’nt that what meats for?”, well first of all, that is an out right lie, we’ve been lied to folks, you get plenty (more than enough) from plants, it comes from beans, brocoli and many, many other plants that we eat, nearly all of the plants we eat contain protien. We also get plenty of nutrients from our food.
Here is a record that one person made concerning there vegan raw diet:
Following are the results recorded in my journal after only three months of 100% raw foods - most of which occurred after one month:
(aka Natural Hygiene / Life Science)
- lost one pound per day until reached ideal weight - lost in desired areas
- complexion cleared, skin softer
- I tanned! (had never been able to tan - burned instead)
- hair and nails improved
- nasal passages and sinuses clearer
- vision improved
- no body odor
- healthier - when get sick (milder and short-termed)
a. no headaches! (had chronic headaches)
b. periods lighter, shorter, and no pain
c. much more energy (taught five one-hour high energy aerobic dance classes per day, came home and worked out some more)
d. no more constipation- sleep better and less
- handle stress much easier
- can think better, mind is clearer
- saves on money
a. no doctor’s bills
b. food is cheaper (need less food)
c. no vitamin pills
d. no cooking (electric bill)- saves on time
a. food preparation
b. cleanup- looked 5 years younger in one month
- life is simply more joyous
This is the forum I recently signed up to for help and support on my new lifestyle diet Raw Food Talk. The people on there (mostly women ) are very supportive, kindhearted people. They have made leaps and bounds in there own health and well being. Some of them have even been able to put pets such as cats and dogs on a raw vegan diet too! They have a before and after section in there forum, you can browse through and see the amazing changes these people have made to there own health.
It’s also pretty much a cure for cancer, it actually reverses cancer.
The it works is, meat turns your bodies PH level to acid when you eat it, however plants (most anyways) turn your bodies PH level to alkaline.
Cancer feeds off of the acid in your body, turning you body to alkaline will starve off the cancer, not only will it do that, but it will starve off other dieseases and illnesses as well.
There are many, many videos of people who’ve switched from living on the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), to living on a Raw Vegan Diet and living healthier, longer and fuller lives.
I’ll be posting progress videos every week to see how I’m doing.
The video I’m trying to upload right now (to youtube) is about 800mb, I’m going to try and shink the file size down and reupload it, hopefully I won’t lose much quality.