Best Diet EVER!!! Update On Post 13!

So what is the best diet ever?
Well, I’m about 255, I need to lose about 100 pounds.
I have asthma, back and joint pain (my chirpracter told me I have the back of an old man), I’m overwieght and close to being obese if not already, I’m slugish, feel sleepy all the time and I have poor blood circulation (different appendages keep falling asleep, arm leg, hand).

So, what is the best diet ever?

Vegan Raw.
Now I know that a lot of you may know what a Vegan is, but some of you may not. A vegan is someone who only eats fruits, vegitables and grains, no animal bi-products like eggs, milk, cheese ect…
A Vegan Raw/Raw Vegan is someone who takes it a step further though, not only are they Vegan, but they only eat fruits, vegitables and grains raw. The reason why is this philosophy, if you put an apple in the ground, you’ll get an apple, if you put pasta, bread or any cooked food in the ground, you get mold, if you put meat of any kind in the ground, you’ll get racid decaying flesh. What’s the difference? An apple (fresh uncooked fruits, vegitables and grains) contain LIFE. So if you soe life into you body, you’ll reap life, but if you soe death into your body, you’ll reap death.
That’s the philosophy, but scientifically it makes sense too.
Humans have a very long and coiled intestine, carnivores have a very short intestine. When a carnivore eats meat, it travels quickly though there bodies, however when a human eats meat, it sits there and rots and putrifies in our intestine. We were not made to eat meat.
Vegan Raw though, focuses on putting natural enzimes into your body and well as many protiens and nutriences that your body needs.
People may ask, “How do you get protien from only eating plants? Is’nt that what meats for?”, well first of all, that is an out right lie, we’ve been lied to folks, you get plenty (more than enough) from plants, it comes from beans, brocoli and many, many other plants that we eat, nearly all of the plants we eat contain protien. We also get plenty of nutrients from our food.
Here is a record that one person made concerning there vegan raw diet:

Following are the results recorded in my journal after only three months of 100% raw foods - most of which occurred after one month:

(aka Natural Hygiene / Life Science)

  1. lost one pound per day until reached ideal weight - lost in desired areas
  2. complexion cleared, skin softer
  3. I tanned! (had never been able to tan - burned instead)
  4. hair and nails improved
  5. nasal passages and sinuses clearer
  6. vision improved
  7. no body odor
  8. healthier - when get sick (milder and short-termed)
    a. no headaches! (had chronic headaches)
    b. periods lighter, shorter, and no pain
    c. much more energy (taught five one-hour high energy aerobic dance classes per day, came home and worked out some more)
    d. no more constipation
  9. sleep better and less
  10. handle stress much easier
  11. can think better, mind is clearer
  12. saves on money
    a. no doctor’s bills
    b. food is cheaper (need less food)
    c. no vitamin pills
    d. no cooking (electric bill)
  13. saves on time
    a. food preparation
    b. cleanup
  14. looked 5 years younger in one month
  15. life is simply more joyous


This is the forum I recently signed up to for help and support on my new lifestyle diet Raw Food Talk. The people on there (mostly women :wink: ) are very supportive, kindhearted people. They have made leaps and bounds in there own health and well being. Some of them have even been able to put pets such as cats and dogs on a raw vegan diet too! They have a before and after section in there forum, you can browse through and see the amazing changes these people have made to there own health.
It’s also pretty much a cure for cancer, it actually reverses cancer.
The it works is, meat turns your bodies PH level to acid when you eat it, however plants (most anyways) turn your bodies PH level to alkaline.
Cancer feeds off of the acid in your body, turning you body to alkaline will starve off the cancer, not only will it do that, but it will starve off other dieseases and illnesses as well.
There are many, many videos of people who’ve switched from living on the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), to living on a Raw Vegan Diet and living healthier, longer and fuller lives.

I’ll be posting progress videos every week to see how I’m doing.
The video I’m trying to upload right now (to youtube) is about 800mb, I’m going to try and shink the file size down and reupload it, hopefully I won’t lose much quality.


It does make sense… and don’t forget to mention that it’s environmentally friendly as well.

lol thats true and goog luck on losign weight!

Good luck, but please make sure you get enough vitamin B12 and D (other stuff too :slight_smile: ). These are really important and often lacking in vegan diets.

I’d be wary of the rest of the science, though. It seems a little “natural == good” for my liking. I’d dispute some of the facts presented too, but there’s little point :slight_smile:

The it works is, meat turns your bodies PH level to acid when you eat it, however plants (most anyways) turn your bodies PH level to alkaline.
Cancer feeds off of the acid in your body, turning you body to alkaline will starve off the cancer, not only will it do that, but it will starve off other dieseases and illnesses as well.

Your body is pretty well controlled in this area, any sources on this?

Anyway, good luck with it, just make sure you’re having enough of the vitamins you need.

That seems like something to try. I don’t necessarily accept or deny the “philosophy” or “science” yet, but it does seem like something well worth giving a shot for at least a month.
Not really possible in my current position (cafeteria food is all that’s availiable and I have no money to go shopping for my everyday diet) but when it is possible I think I will try this.

instant sex-change

This sounds pretty much perfect for you, I just hope you can keep it up. It gets easier after a while, though, when you get used to the taste and the lack of salt and fat. Or so I’ve heard, I’ve never been on a diet (no need for such things) :smiley:

I’ve always eaten what I want, but luckily I’ve developed so that I know what’s good for me and what isn’t. I mean, I don’t eat fastfood that often, maybe once a month, if that. I make home-made food almost every day. It has become easier now that I have someone to cook for besides me.

I do admit I use way too much salt. It might become a problem when I get older, so I should try to cut it down…

And I do loooove chocolate, couldn’t live without that :stuck_out_tongue:

So, I’m rooting for you and I’ll be watching your progress!

… But one thing I don’t understand… How do you put a cat on a raw vegan diet? Since they are carnivores to the core? I understand dogs, though, they are quite omnivorous. Our old doberman liked grapes and cucumber, for example :slight_smile:

Good for you man, getting healthy is a fantastic thing to do. I need to lose about 20 more, I’ve lost 12 this summer by cutting back on intake and exercising.
I just couldn’t go vegan, though. Meat tastes too damn good but if it works for you keep at it! :yes:

You go for it jackblack!

Actually, if you put the part of the apple most people eat into the ground, it does nothing but rot. Only the seeds have any “in the ground” value for springing forth new plants.

If you stick a celery stalk into the ground, what do you get? Same as above. A rotting celery stalk.

I’m not trying to slam this diet, just the idea that putting something in the ground is a measure of its fitness to eat. Many types of mushrooms will grow happily in the ground but be poisonous to you.

The best diet is one you can stick with. It isn’t a task you do and once and are done with it. It is a change of your lifestyle that you need to be able to maintain. If you are overweight because you don’t balance food/activity well, have destructive eating habits, or one of many other reasons, you’ll just jump back up when you’re done with the diet. It really isn’t a thing, as much as a conscious effort to change your lifestyle.

It isn’t easy. I was about 250 - went down to around 160-165. People were telling me I was “too thin” (which is odd to hear when your “internal” body image will always be of a fat person). Since then, I haven’t been as rigorous about watching what I eat and have allowed my weight to go up some. I think that somewhere in the 175-180 range is the best place for me (@ 6’2").

Diets are ok for a short burst to shake things up, but to really be effective, you need to be looking at the long haul and how you can change your eating and activity levels for the rest of your life.

That said, there’s nothing wrong with a vegetarian/Vegan diet, but I’d beware of anything that seemed to carry a lot of “new age” feel-goodness about it.

Yeah I agree with 86point5 – don’t do something extreme like this. Vegan diets are mainly for people who are naturally on the thin side. It’s easier for them because they dont’ have the same cravings that heavier people naturally have. And the chemicals in their brain tells their stomach that they are satisfied with less food than people who tend to naturally tip the scales.

That said. The best thing to do is probably what our society sees as the least glamourous. Just eat sensibly. (no fast food, no snacking other than fruit and veggies… drink only water and some milk, maybe a glass of wine every night)

Exercise!!! <------- this is the key! And you will feel oh so much better than by going vegan. Not that I’ve ever gone vegan, but I know how good exercise feels when done rigourously and regularly. I high recommend it. It’s like a personality face lift!

You’ll see. You won’t even be the same person anymore. You’ll feel so much better on the inside that it’ll be easier to eat smarter because you’ll be more attuned to your body.

These kinds of diets are only good for ideological reasons. Not dietary. If you go vegan you’ll have to take dietary suppliments which I interpret to be a sign that the diet isn’t right for humans. You need meat so eat up.

JackBlack, you will get a lot of crap from people who aren’t vegans/vegetarians. Just remember what Einstein said: “Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” He was smarter than anyone bad-mouthing your choice.
Complete proteins are important. Eat a variety of foods to get them. Plus you may want to take a vitamin supplement as mentioned.
You will discover new foods and methods of making food, which is pretty fun.
If you bury a beer, it won’t rot or grow, it will stay nice and cool. What does that count as?

kay_Eva, are you saying I’m going to turn into a girl lol? Or are you saying my sex drive will change, if that’s so, then no big deal, I’m not very sexual (I’m still a virgin even though I’ve had several chances to have sex).
JCLethargic, I actually saw a video of a guy who was talking about the lack of protien, he said we don’t really need as much protien as they say. He said we need more enzymes because those are complex aminoacids and that is what actually builds muscle, the protien is just the middle man. Sorta made sense to me. I saw someone metioned not getting to eat as much salt, well I never really ate much salt, or tried to for that matter, but raw vegans can have salt, sea salt is the salt they can have, but for me it’s not really neccisary.

Link to my first video:
August 3rd 2008, Day 1


Just keep up with it. It will be way worth it in the end. You should also do some basic exercise if you can fit that in to your schedule. Even a walk or a slow jog is good. Work your way up, it will prove to be much better than just throwing yourself into it. I know this not because I have to go on a diet, but because I am a soccer player and take my fitness seriously. Just remember, work your way up, and eventually the benefits will really start to show themselves.

Good luck!

Diet is great but your post says nothing about exercise. You can get away with poor eating habits by exercising vigorously for at least an hour a day. If you eat healthy and exercise, your all set. You should also take a picture of yourself once a day on top of a once a week video, imo. You’ll get immediate feedback on your progress.

Day 1 is the easiest. It’s gonna totally suck tomorrow. And eat more than what your indicating in the video. Don’t starve yourself, just eat the right things. You can eat a shitload of vegetablesand not gain a thing.

Just remember what Einstein said
Einstein was a physicist, not a physician.

i wouldn’t mind trying out a semi-vegan lifestyle change (I’m a cyclist so I can get away with a little meat lol) to try and get down to like 170-180 from 215. I’m sure I will have peoples saying that I look too thin but since my sport of interest is cycling and possibly running, thin is good. Just curious, how have you dealt with the absence of meats? I love meats lol.

:a little off-topic: have anybody had some indigestion issue sometime when they eat more vegetable than usual? I do and I wonder about this especially since I really want to try and wean myself off eating meat so much. and having indigestion from vegetable doesn’t help.

Diets never works but lifestyle change do. just remember that if you want to keep the weight off, you will need to keep doing this for years rather than just till you lose the weight.

elam, day two has been just fine so far, I’ve actually eatin’ less than I did on day 1.
I think day 3 will be the same, eating a little and eating healthy.

Radscientist, I agree with your “P.S.”, the great thing about this diet is that it is a lifestyle change. One big difference between it and other diets is that it is a lifestyle change, but not only that, I’m actually paying attention to what I’m puttting in my body, unlike other diets where they mail your food to you and you don’t know where it really came from and how old it is.
Thanks for all the support guys.
I’ll keep ya’ll updated.


Heh, you must not feel that bad about your body image if you did the whole video shirtless…

This is a pretty radical diet, jackblack. I’m definitely interested to know how you feel after a week. You might start to feel sick at first, especially if you’ve been eating poorly up until this point-- your body purges all its toxins, I think.

You may already know this, but I’d be sure to stick with organic foods, since many fresh fruits and vegetables are often slathered with chemicals. Also, avoid irradiated foods, as this process can kill a lot of the beneficial enzymes in plants, which you seem to be concerned about.

That being said, I’ve no doubt that this is a perfectly healthy lifestyle. Keep us posted on how it goes!

Great if it works in the long run. I really hope so. It’s really hard beeing fat. It feels like half your life is just thinking about how fat you are while nobody else cares if you’re fat or not.

I’m going on a diet soon. I’ve tested it and it works. It’s pure mathematical. I need 3000+ kcal to maitain my weight but cuting it too 2000 kcal I will loose about 2 punds a week. All I will eat is microwave food for 6 months. It’s easy to calculate how much you eat, it has all the nutrition you need and it’s fast to prepare. Tasted good too. Most importantly you don’t eat bread.
The reason why I need too loose weight is medical reasons.

I wish you the best of luck JB.

Well, the amino acids are broken down proteins. Enzymes are the things that break them down. Enzymes only work in certain conditions though, the ones in your stomach won’t work in your intestines (wrong pH). Also, enzymes are proteins, usually. It’s pretty complicated, but please don’t leave out anything like this without doing a lot of research.

I saw someone metioned not getting to eat as much salt, well I never really ate much salt, or tried to for that matter, but raw vegans can have salt, sea salt is the salt they can have, but for me it’s not really neccisary.

Salt is very important. Incredibly important. It’s where the word “salary” comes from, and without it your brain & nerves won’t function properly (or at all).

Leaving things out of diets can be very dangerous.

You might start to feel sick at first, especially if you’ve been eating poorly up until this point-- your body purges all its toxins, I think.

WTF are toxins? I hate people using that word and not specifying which thing your body is supposed to get rid of or why.

Never underestimate feeling sick.

Your diet sounds pretty good, but always be careful of quite extreme diets.