best external engine for rendring

i m asking if i can have the best choise between all those engine in order to have the great quality and the fast rendering possible:
-corona render

v-ray and octane need money .:yes:

What is your opinion on their suitability for the type of work you do?

i’m interesting in vfx work and motion graphics

In your opinion, which of those renderers have the tools and features you need for the type of work you do?

i think that corona give a great quality whit no complexity in parameters and its fast.
what you think?

I’d try Corona but I can not get it to work

There is no “best.” :slight_smile:

Each one of these pieces of software will offer you a particular combination of weaknesses and strengths – as will the three (BI, Cycles, OpenGL) algorithms present within Blender itself.

So … artiste … what would you wish to do next? That’s where everything begins.

I haven’t been able to get Corona to work either, so can’t say much about that.

As far as the others, each has it’s strengths.

Luxrender is great at still images and has a lot of features but most people consider it too slow to be used in animation rendering.

Mitsuba is slick and fast but it is missing a lot of production features, like displacement, procedural textures, normal textures and deformation motion blur. The bi-directional path tracers don’t even support bump mapping.

Yafaray is nice but it doesn’t have any motion blur.

So for vfx and motion graphics that leaves Appleseed and Cycles. Of the two, in my opinion Cycles is much easier to use and has more features accessible from within Blender. Appleseed is on the way to being a great renderer, but it still has a lot of development that needs to get done.