Best method for butt loops? seeing a couple options on this, and not sure which to utilize

So when I’ve been learning topology, I’ve come across two main ways to set up the loops for maintaining the butt volume.
The first method:

involves diverting all the loops around the buttcheeks and extruding in towards the center.

The second method:

involves coming down from the side of the body and diverting the span across the but cheeks.

Which do you guys think is better? are there situations that might warrant one over the other? different advantages perhaps?

I do want to eventually animate these models.

If these models are going to be wearing clothes, neither. Skip the separation of cheeks entirely

I mean, don’t I still need some kind of loop here to maintain the volume? are you saying to just go across the bottom and don’t worry about defining the cheeks? Or that I’m wasting time even worrying about how this region will deform? Surely, even with pants, I’d need something in the seat to give the impression that there is in fact a butt underneath?

…and that’s exactly the reason why you do not need them… you have to animate/deform the trousers accordingly… except if you want to take of the cloth.