Best option for 3D on the web?

Once again, no one has opinions on X3D, and how well it compares to all these others??

OK, I came back to ask: So what is the difference between Blend4Web and Verge3D then?? They both look like they do the same thing…?

No, you can use Blend4Web for free as long as you export your work directly to the web player, and are not sharing the files with anyone.


OK, I came back to ask: So what is the difference between Blend4Web and Verge3D then?? They both look like they do the same thing…?

Different apps, different approach to visual programming (Verge3D uses a sort-of local server-based javascript visual “Scratch” type programming interface.

At this point why not just try the various options to see which one you like best? Godot also works quite well. I have had great results with exporting 3d objects to Godot with Blender, and exporting the result to HTML5.

X3D is a 3d file format used in browsers to display 3d objects. To make these interactive requires Javascript (or some javascript framework).

Ah that’s just AWESOME! :slight_smile:
God Bless you for the info, and God Bless whoever made Blend4Web :slight_smile:
I think I’ll get started with Learning it now… :slight_smile:
(Btw, what’s the difference between exporting to HTML, and exporting to WebPlayer+JSON - from the creator’s point of view, I mean?)

Thank you! Unfortunately we (the creators or Blend4Web) have left the company 2 years ago and don’t develop this product anymore. Try Verge3D instead ))

Right, so when Herbert said this:
“No, not at all. You are confusing Blend4Web with the old Blender game engine. Blend4Web is an independently developed product. Blend4Web will be made available for 2.8.”

, he was talking nonsense…?

OK, Alex, so let me ask you directly - what is the difference between YOUR software and X3D? …I realise that Verge3D is obviously a “graphical environment”, the idea being “not to code” for the end user - am I right? , so there will be differences in the workFLOW…but besides that, are there any differences in their capabilities??

Blend4Web is indeed an independently developed product. Will it support Blender 2.8? I honestly don’t know!

X3D is just a viewer for 3D models hosted online. Verge3D is a fully-featured toolkit with PBR material system, animation, interactivity and visual scripting environment.

Umm No - even with the little I know about it, I would state that it’s more than that.
I would love it if you or anyone else could give me a straight answer to my question…?

Isn’t X3D just an XML file format for 3D?

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Roughly yes.

“just”???!! :slight_smile: I’m not knocking Verge3D in any way, but there’s no way the word “just” can be applied to whatever I’ve seen of X3D… :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: I mean it’s only a file format, not a viewer, right?

Umm…not sure what you mean. After you write it, you can SEE it of course - in a web browser…?
Here, check this:

x3D is a file format.
x3DOM is a webgl implementation of x3d, it uses javascript to run in the browser, just like all webgl tools mentioned above. In this example the javascript is written into the html (terrible decision).

Verge3D is the best choice here if you don’t want to touch code.
Three.js is the best choice here if you want to code everything (Verge3D is based on this library)

EDIT: Babylon.js is also an option if you want to build everything from scratch and is probably easier to use than Three.js

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Don’t forget about glTF!

Great Blender 2.80 support via the Khronos maintained bundled add-on.

I believe there are multiple embeddable web-viewers available, as demonstrated in the above link. They’re using Blender to make the demos too.

Where I work we recently adopted Blend4Web - I’m not 100& that it was the best option. The biggest problem is what you can use and what you can’t use in materials is weird… we’re faking reflection maps with normal mapped textures, but it’s not the best. I hope that for 2.8 it will be brought in line with Eevee.

Having said that - there’s a lot that I like about it. I like that it puts everything into a single fairly small HTML5 file, and for what we want (a simple object with some buttons triggering animations and annotations) its pretty good. Like I say, the only fault is how it does shaders.

With this in mind I ask… what is the best for having a small object you can rotate on screen with a few buttons triggering animations and text-based annotations that exports HTML5?

Awesome - that “drone” demo is working even on my oooooold machine, over here! :slight_smile:
…But that’s just even more confusing - what’s the difference between X3D and glTF then?? Which one do I use??

You might get some idea of the purposes and history of these formats from the Wikipedia pages. glTF is newer I think, but I don’t know which is best or which has the best ability to embed directly in web pages etc.