Best way to create bubbly foam?

Thanks, I checked out Nishant_neeraj’s post and it looks awesome. Tried shooting him a message, hopefully he has some tips :slight_smile:

I’d greatly appreciate any tips you could give as well, I’d love to learn as many different ways to do this as possible, I always find the different methods people use interesting.

I’m really interested to understand how to do these volumetric holes/bubbles throughout the mesh. I’ve been trying to use displacement with volume scatter/absorbsion nodes but I’m just not getting it. My displacements don’t look volumetric at all.

I’m wondering if “Point Density Textures” could help here and if that should be something I investigate further. I’m a bit of a newbie when it comes to Blender so apologies for that.

EDIT: So I’ve found a way to create volumetric holes in the foam, similar to a sponge as is mentioned in this thread but then the question remains how I’d get the bubbles to only appear in the holes.