Best way to overcome seams??

Hi everyone, I´ve seen some great artwork in the gallery, and I was wondering how you get the UV seams not to be noticed in your textures. Assuming that Blender does not have a Projection painting feature, are there any ways to prevent texture seams from being seen, besides of carefully planning the UV layout in order to hide them from the camera view??

  1. correct: put the seams on the back, hidden from camera.
  2. Use a seamless texture
  3. Bad assumption. see

heheh, am I wrong? I don´t see Projection Painting in Blender wiki…
What I see is Wrap texturing for making seamless textures, but that won´t solve complex situations.

I think you might be (wrong). If you mean texture projection, If you mean 3D Painting, i gave you the link.

What specific situation do you have, or are we discussing theory?

We are discussing theory, and I´m not wrong, I´m talking about Projection Painting, It´s a feature that 3d painting programs have, and I think that it is listed in many Blender wish lists. It lets you paint evenly over the model´s seams.

There´s a lot of apparently complex stuff here in the gallery, and I just wanted to know how they manage to achieve those texture results using Blender´s 3d painting tools.

For example, take a look at the Blue Vampire, or Blackboe´s image over the gallery. Those guys made a really good work, and the texturing is awsome, and there are no seam artifacts although they have reallly complex meshes.

Maybe they corrected the seams pixel by pixel, or maybe they have some other method.

If you enable Wrap, when you paint on the image and your brush goes off the edge, it will wrap around to the other side of the image. However, that is just for the image, and if your seam/UV does not line up, it is not what you are looking for. You want to paint directly on the mesh, which you can do now in 2.43

If your UV map / seam does not line up along the image edges, just paint directly on the mesh, wherever the seam is or any UV boundary, it does not matter, and blender will handle the image offset. Just paint a cube in 3D view window in Texture Paint mode after unwrapping it using smart projection. You will quickly see how your wish list has been filled and see how Blender does Projection Painting by letting you paint over the mesh’s seams without seeing any artifacts.

This is a new feature to 2.43, so you may not have noticed it. Please read the links I gave you. Enjoy!

That may work if you use smart projection unwrapping, but what if you have a previously uv mapped model that is not so regularly mapped?? What if you have different UV islands??

If you paint directly on the mesh, in 3D view, it does not matter what your UV mapping is, so long as you do not have overlapping or folded UV coordinates. With texture painting directly on the mesh in Texture Paint mode, it does not matter if you have UV islands. When you paint a cheek, that color is transferred to the image at the corresponding pixels.

Look, you really need to just fire up Blender and actually do it. It Works. sigh

hehe, yes but that is not what projection painting is about. Imagine that you want to have some really small details in your character´s face, well what you do is to map the face separately in one huge uv islands that covers one whole image. Then you uv map the body in another uv island. The result is that you have two images, lets say that both are 4096x4096. But the thing is that the face is now proportionally bigger than the rest of the body, so when you paint in 3d view blender will paint big traces over the body and smaller traces over the face, using the same bursh size. This is because you are using a 4096 image just for the face in order to get smaller deatails.

What Projection painting does is to compensate the difference of the proportions and paint a seamless trace no matter what your uv layout is like.

I Know Blender does not have this feature, so I want people to post how the manage to overcome this issue.


hehe, this is a really funny thread…