July 30, 2002, 4:03pm
This is for the people like myself who were unaware of this nugget of info.
http://www.steffengerlach.de/freeware/ The program is called ZPaint its 2-d (small program) and truly think the sky is the limit with this. It’s very fast. Same effects are very easy in other 2-D apps but GAURANTEED not this quick and detailed. Check out this example http://home.att.net/~j.yount/detail.bmp
I’m liking the quick Bump map creations! Let me know what you think!
July 31, 2002, 3:06pm
I don’t know if the sky’s the limit. I’d say a button maker is extremely limited. But it is fast, small, and good at what it does. I’d say it’s worth keeping.
Thanks for the link.
looks like it would be a great program for making si-fi bump maps.
BTW, next time you post an image, it would help to compress it first. That took a little while to download even over cabel.
August 10, 2002, 10:43pm
looks like it would be a great program for making si-fi bump maps.
BTW, next time you post an image, it would help to compress it first. That took a little while to download even over cabel.
Sorry man I was in a HUGE hurry and bmp is what the program exports. I just wanted to spread the good word.