Better Collada Export Plugin

This is an alternative Collada exporter for Blender. It was created because the built-in exporter is buggy and lacks several serious features needed for large scale game development. It’s only about 1400 lines of Python code and it supports all the following features:

  • Export all supported nodes in the format:

  • Meshes

  • Lights (Omni, Directional, Spot and Ambient)

  • Cameras

  • Spline Curves (paths)

  • Armatures (mesh objects must be children of them).

  • Bones with proper rest information.

  • Shape Keys

  • Combined Shape Keys + Armature deform.

  • Materials and Textures

  • Automatic handling of texture paths (conversion to relative).

  • Optional copying of textures on export.

  • Standard Extensions for double-sided geometry.

  • Standard Extensions for normal maps.

  • Geometry Optimization (creation of indices and triangulation).

  • Export Masks (By Selection, Layer or Object Type).

  • Full animation support for objects, bones and shape keys.

  • Support for exporting all clips in the scene, including shape keys via set-driven keys.

  • Baking of curves and constraints during animation export.


You can download it from the Godot website: