This is an alternative Collada exporter for Blender. It was created because the built-in exporter is buggy and lacks several serious features needed for large scale game development. It’s only about 1400 lines of Python code and it supports all the following features:
Export all supported nodes in the format:
[LIST] -
Lights (Omni, Directional, Spot and Ambient)
Spline Curves (paths)
Armatures (mesh objects must be children of them).
Bones with proper rest information.
Shape Keys
Combined Shape Keys + Armature deform.
Materials and Textures
Automatic handling of texture paths (conversion to relative).
Optional copying of textures on export.
Standard Extensions for double-sided geometry.
Standard Extensions for normal maps.
Geometry Optimization (creation of indices and triangulation).
Export Masks (By Selection, Layer or Object Type).
Full animation support for objects, bones and shape keys.
Support for exporting all clips in the scene, including shape keys via set-driven keys.
Baking of curves and constraints during animation export.
You can download it from the Godot website: