Better late then never...UPDATED

I started this back in September but became seriously distracted by a 3 week vacation so I missed submitting it to the Living Mechs contest. Just as well since it pretty average compared to some of the entries! I used only Blender materials and textures (no image maps) and it was also rendered in Blender. Anyway, here it is for your enjoyment.

UPDated… I reworked the head and some of the textures. I think I am about done with this one so I have added it to my web site’s Digital Gallery. As always, comments and constructive critical input is welcome.

Select the last thumbnail in the 3D images section called “Living Mechanic Butterfly”.

Personally, I think it is pretty godamn cool :smiley:

You really should have entered it…

I agree with M@dcow. Great work. Also, excellent lighting job.


Nice use of procedurals!
The tail-part pattern is cool. It’s textured or modeled?

good job


Thanks for the nice words, everyone.
Theeth, the tail section was modeled. I may want to animate it at some point.

Updated and added the images to my gallery. Check it out at: