Back on this site again with yet another baffling issue. Now this one I have is that I am trying to use the Bevel modifier on and mesh but for some reason, it will only make sharp beveled edges. I learned before that sometimes you have to apply the transforms to the mesh before adding modifiers and so I did. I even completely deleted to mesh and started over, applied the transforms but it’s still giving the same issue. Does anyone know why this is? I’ve tried reducing the segments down to 1 and it’s still sharp, raise the width until blender crashes and it’s still sharp, changing the profile does nothing and I tried the limit by angle and all it does is cause the edges to balloon up with no gradation of the sharpness. I don’t want to have to build this over again because I did it once already and the issue is still there.
Can you show me a picture what do you want to make
I think that the geometry of your mesh is causing bevel to behave like that. Just one vertex in the wrong place can render the bevel modifier useless. Example:
Notice how the effect of the modifier is practically invisible on the second pic.
My suggestions:
- Set Bevel limit method to Weight and set bevel weight to the desired edges with good geometry:
or - Uncheck Clamp Overlap in Bevel (can turn your mesh into ugly mess)
or - Try clean up the mesh in edit mode.
or - Use another appoach to model your mesh (e.g. Subdivision modelling: model with quads, use edge crease & subsurf modifier).
Thanks a bunch for that. This is good to know because it explains why this kept happening no matter what I do. My geometry is actually good it’s just that when I added that cylinder and scaled it down, it caused that invoked the vertex issue you pointed out. Once I deleted the cylinder the issue was gone. Now the problem is I need a cylinder without applying the modifiers.