Bevel shader to curvature map?

Is it possible to make typical curvature map with convex and concave edges by shader nodes?

There are 2 main ways to do it.

  • There is a shader trick with the bevel node, though that doesn’t differentiate between convex and concave and only works on sharp edges.

  • You can use the ambient occlusion node to get somthing close. It’s not exactly a curvature map, but can have a similar effect.

Here is a video that shows both methods.

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Thanks etn249
So am I right when think you need to sample the vector around to see if it’s convex or concave corner . Can position input be used to do it instead of pointless somehow ? I mean to see if very small extruded along normal position gets closer of further away in nearby surface points? Have no idea how to do it with nodes although.

Well, technically, that’s exactly what ambient occlusion does, so I guess the AO method is what you are looking for.

Or, you could combine the 2 methods. Use the bevel trick, but remove its visibility from concave corners by using an AO node as a mask.