I’ve imported an svg file with merged letters and extruded the shape in the “Geometry” menu.
Now I’m trying to round the sharp edges but I notice that if I do Bevel and Resolution, it “adds” volume to the shape, so it fills all the gaps.
good question my workflow on that is to convert it into a mesh and retopo a quad resolution mesh with usefull edge length. No 3s and 5s. Subdividing topology that way it makes sense for beveling. Converting text to a good mesh topo for bevel does usually not work becaus text to mesh causes trees and polys… 2D shapes, vectors and so on… so you have no chance to do a good bevel. some basics in poly modeling technics are usefull when you try to understand when something is going wrong… by the way blenders 2D shape extrusion and bevel funktions did become better over time but an algorithm that makes it more handy would be great.
You could copy/paste the text from one to the other by editing them but can’t join text objects. Can only join objects with same type and in case of text you’d have to convert to curve or mesh first (alt+C in object mode).