Beveling one edge?

Hey everyone, I was wondering how to bevel one edge. When I try to bevel I (1) select the edge that I want to operate on and (2) press w>bevel. Then, a scale function becomes active on all faces, allowing me to choose the extent of the bevel. The problem is, this operates on all faces and edges, rather that just one. Is thare a way to change this?:confused:

Yes in scripts menu chose Mesh>>Bevel Center, discovered it myself today actually.

Yeh I find it strange that blender only bevel the whole object but not a single edge, luckily there is bevel script as mention by frilla that does the job. :slight_smile:

The problem still isn’t solved perfectly, though. The script is far from being useful in any situation. Even with only two bevels on a standard cube you can totally mess the whole mesh and make it unusable.

So, what I’m trying to say - doing bevels manually is a good option. I do it all the time. Blender just lacks a good, hardcoded Bevel (and / or Chamfer) tool.

Take the default scene, select the cube, apply the subsurf modifier (e.g. level 3), go to edit mode, select all vertices, shift+e and drag it out to get a cube again. Now press shift+tab and select edge. Now select one edge of the cube, press again shift+e and drag it back to the center of the cube. Voila, one edge beveled.

Best regards,

I had a thought too. Decide which edge to bevel, do a loop cut on either side of that edge, select the edge to bevel only, and Smooth until beveled. Won’t work all the time but a possible technique.

yeah… I see what you guys are talking about… this doesn’t seem to work very well, no matter how you do it… thanks anyways:p (hah i like that smiley)