Bezier curves, bevob and scaling confusion!

After all these years using Blender I’m surprised I haven’t faced this before. Maybe I’ve just forgotten. Hopefully someone can help me out (with reference to this image or attached .blend) …

  1. I create a bezier curve, then create a bezier circle, then make the circle the BevOb for the curve (top curve in the image)

  2. Now if I scale the curve up in object mode, the BevOb cross section scales too, so the cross section gets fatter (bottom curve in the image)

  3. If I now “apply scale to ObData” (ctrl-A) the scale of the curve becomes 1.0 in all directions, but the cross section remains fat. question is: where is the property that determines how much the BevOb is scaled? I want to be able to take one of those curves and change whatever property it is, so that the BevOb isn’t scaled. Like going from the left hand set of concentric circles to the right hand one.

Not the biggest issue in the world, but it would be nice for me if somebody knew the answer. I use Blender for diagrams quite a lot, so regularly use curves to create arrows and lines where I want them all to have the same thickness. Scaling only in edit mode becomes a bit of a pain in those cases.

Thanks in advance.


curveprob.blend (197 KB)